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10 Alternate Energy Sources To Live Well With Global Warming

10 Alternate Energy Sources To Live Well With Global Warming. 
? Feeling hot under the collar
 Glaciers and polar ice are melting, ocean situations are rising, hot, dry rainfall, huge timber fires, water restrictions, crop failures. 
 You name it, if these do not point in your life yet, they soon will. Global warming and climate change are data of life now, according to the International Panel on Climate Change, and numerous scientists. 
 Huge problems beyond our control! 
 But are you hot under the collar? 
 Still, you presumably, If you are not. 

 Feeling hot under the collar? 
 Glaciers and polar ice are melting, ocean situations are rising, hot, dry rainfall, huge timber fires, water restrictions, crop failures. 
 You name it, if these do not point in your life yet, they soon will. Global warming and climate change are data of life now, according to the International Panel on Climate Change, and numerous scientists. 
 Huge problems beyond our control! 
 But are you hot under the collar? 
 Still, you presumably live in a megacity where half of the Earth's citizens live now and take important for granted, If you are not. Because in megacity living we're far removed from natural processes that deliver our food, apparel and energy. 
 Does your child indeed know that milk comes from a cow-or a soya bean if you are that way inclined-and not from a milk tinderbox? 
 Indeed in the megacity you can not stick your head in the beach (or under the asphalt?) and you aren't vulnerable from climate change. Substantiations are the substantially senior people that failed in Paris alone in the sizzling hot European summer of 2003. Or the numerous killed in New Orleans at the' hands'of cyclone Katrina. 
 And if you're hot under the collar, do you suppose maybe that there will be some miraculous scientific break-through so they ever-responsible'They'will fix the Earth? The ultimate stem cell technology perhaps that can reduplicate a new home for us! 
 Seriously, for numerous of us it's just all too hard. 
 All we want is to live a life where we may raise our children to have a future. 
 A future of some pungency of training, a job, a family, community, of achievements and an pleasurable life-on a healthy earth Earth. 
 Is this a fading dream, once a reasonable anticipation? 
 Perhaps, perhaps not. 
 Our world is changing. There are great challenges ahead and it's too late to stop global warming. The Earth has changed and the processes it uses to regulate itself are conforming themselves. And these changes won't suit mortal life as it is. 
 But you aren't helpless. 
 Each person alone can change the world, one by one. Let me explain. 
 Do I say that these problems are under our control also? 
 Well, yes and no. 
 We're talking about a oppressively impaired world really. 
 And from the experience of disability we can learn how to survive and thrive! 
" Come on, get real", you say? Do I hear" Just show me the right alternate energy sources and we'll get out of this mess."
 Yes, we desperately do need to switch to renewable energy sources that don't make a hothouse out of our home, the Earth. But all the technology in the world will noway be enough to survive and flourish. 

 Renewable energy sources alone won't educate us to accept limits, unpredictability and what it's to lead a satisfying life. 
 How we've lived inclusively, in our billions, for the last many hundred times, has got us to this point. And by changing what we do we can live through climate change as stylish as we might. 
 Indeed now. 
 It's simple and it's hard work. No way out of that. 
 Numerous people with severe disabilities know this. And they report the same or better life satisfaction as anyone differently-- under largely grueling, vulnerable circumstances. 
 So, we can learn to live well in a impaired world. 
 Anyhow of what's to come you and I'll be well served by the beliefs and strategies that people with disabilities use to-not just to survive-but to live well. 
 These are true alternate energy sources. 
 Those that guide us how to use what we've sustainably. 
 These' impaired people' believe this 
 * Accept that all of us are fragile and vulnerable 
 * The world is full of limits. We need some of these to live well 
 * Vulnerability and dependence are an ineluctable part of a whole life 
 * No-one is independent, but interdependent 
 * Connection with others is our lifeline and our good 
 And they do this 
 * Engage with others to make positive relationship, where you live, work and play 
 * Pay attention to other's requirements and that of the terrain 
 * Take responsibility for the situation you are in 
 * Care for others and the terrain adeptly 
 * Be assertive and use your humour and creativity 
 Not all people with disabilities act in this way of course. And I'd be the last to portray people with disabilities as icons. We are just people- trying to get on. 
 You try that! 
 Talk to that senior woman in your road. Offer a hand when someone needs it. 
 Doing similar small effects will connect you with others and your terrain. 
 And do also use the' regular'renewable alternate energy sources, and reclaim too. 
 You can change your original world by acting in these ways. 
 And if all fails- anyhow? 
 Well, it's the only way to go! 
 Maybe your world might be just as hot but it will be cooler under your colla 
